Women of the AAUW Grand Rapids, MI Branch are women of action. They have:
- Held Fund Raisers
- Honored top ranking girl students
- Held benefits
- Participated in surveys
- Sought political office (members)
- Held book study groups
- Rung doorbells for campaigns
- Held workshops on awareness for various topics
- Supported equal pay for equal work
- Took the stand that AAUW was open to all eligible women regardless of race
- Hosted many AAUW conferences
- Found teachers to fill classrooms when there was a teacher shortage
- Sponsored a School of Finance for Women
- Helped establish the Women’s Resource Center at GVSU
- Participated in literacy tutoring in the public schools
- Sponsored a book project sending books to the Philippine Islands for schools and libraries
- Took part in pro-choice rallies
- Held a “Science Is For Girls” conference for 5th and 6th grade girls. First conference was held in 1991 and continued annually until the state passed Proposition 2 in 2007 preventing state money from being used for gender specific activities.
- Co-sponsored gender equity workshops with The Negro Business and Professional Women’s Club, Inc., the Hispanic Center of Western Michigan and the Grand Rapids Public Schools.
- Co-sponsored workshops called “Women Matter”
- Participated in Equality Day, the 75th Anniversary of Women’s Right to Vote
- Made and distributed “Use Your Vote” buttons to urge women to vote
- Presented “Crossing the Millennium: the Woman’s Book Project Resource Kit” to Grand Rapids Public Elementary School media centers
- Participated in a day seminar “Girls Matter”
- Participated in a celebration of “International Women’s Day”
- Worked with the Grand Rapids Public Museum presenting career information to the parents of girl scouts attending an overnight at the museum
- Presented ten scholarships to girls to attend the Engineering Camp sponsored by the Grand Rapids Public Museum
- Worked with Davenport College’s Marketing class to have them prepare a marketing plan for the branch